
We have currently 16 pairs, and 4 trios in our breeding program. All of our sugar gliders reside in our home, are family, and are treated as such. Each of them can be handled easily and have good temperaments as I strive to produce friendly and confident babies, which starts with the parents. Lineage is important to prevent genetic issues and inbreeding. All of our parents have full lineage on the pet glider (TPG) database. We aim to have each pair with a COI (coefficient of inbreeding) of 3% or less when pairing, but some pairs are higher if I'm trying to prove genetics. 

If your looking to produce a specific color, pairing them properly to compliment their genetics will ensure your gliders can produce the colors you want.

Our breeders are not for sale, but I can pair up pairs from our available joeys and adults. If your interested in adoption please email to get started. I do have a questionnaire to help new breeders and require a signed contract for adoptions.

  • Leu = Leucistic - White colored glider with Black eyes
  • Plat = Platinum
  • BB = Black Beauty
  • BFBB = Black Faced Black Beauty
  • MR = Mystery Red
  • CA = Caramel Albino
  • S&S = Carmino line brought to the US by Suzette, generally used when referring to Suzette's Carmino line.
  • HSG = Highland Sugar Glider, generally used when referring to Diane's Carmino line.


Quinn & Ryan – COI 0.444 % - Can produce Standard, Leucistic, Mosaic, BB

Iris & Indigo – COI 1.6085 % - Can produce Standard, Leucistic, Mosaic, Platinum, BB

Cosmo & Sundance – COI 0% - Can Produce Standard, BB, and S&S Carmino (all joeys are 66% S&S Carmino Het)

Jewel & Hendrix – COI 0.708 % - Can produce Standard, Mosaic

Marceline & Zant  -- COI 4.0901 %  - Can produce Standard, Mosaic, BFBB

Yoshi Daisy -- COI 0.1865%  Can produce Standard, BFBB (all joeys are 50% Caramel Albino Het)

Astro & Lumpy Space Princess – COI 0%  - Can produce Standards, BB, BFBB

Phoenix & Ember - COI 4.7771% - Can produce Standard, Mosaic (all joeys are 50% S&S Carmino Het)

Orchid & Lime -- COI 0.0355 % - Can produce Standard, Mosaic, Platinum, Leucistic

Royal & Toast -- COI 1.6956 % - Can Produce Standard, Mosaic, Platinum, Leucistic (all joeys are 50% S&S Carmino Het)

Coffee & Zombie – COI 3.6911% - Can Produce Standard, Mosaic, Leucistic

Emerica & Oatmeal – COI 1.6956% -- Can Produce Standard, Mosaic, Platinum, Leucistic (all joeys are 50% S&S Carmino Het)

Honey & Blueberry - COI 4.6134% Can Produce Standard, Mosaic, BFBB (all joeys are 100% S&S Carmino Het)

Vega & Aqua - COI 0% Can Produce Standard, Mosaic (all joeys are 100% S&S Carmino Het)

Saturn & Skyline - COI 0.3921% Can Produce Standard, Mosaic. Possible BF. Plat/Leu & Creamino (all joeys are 16% S&S Carmino Het & 25% Caramel Albino Het)

Strawberry & French Toast – COI 3.6853% Can Produce Standard, Mosaic Possible Plat/Leu, Carmino & Creamino (all joeys are 50% S&S Carmino Het)


Maple BaconRuby & Ayla – Ruby/Bacon COI 0 % , Ayla/Bacon COI 0 % - Can produce Standard, Mosaic (all joeys are 100% S&S Carmino Het)

VansMango & Pineapple  -- COI 2.4337 % Can produce Standard, Mosaic, BFBB (Mango and Pineapple are sisters and have the same COI)

Fireball, Princess Bubblegum & Flame Princess – COI 0.484% - Can produce Standard, Mosaic, BB, BFBB (Princess Bubblegum & Flame Princess are sisters and have the same COI)

Smokey, Jigglypuff & Clefairy – COI 3.3859%  - Can produce Standard, Mosaic, BFBB, Possible Plat/Leu/Creamino